Third-party cookies have been the backbone of the online advertising industry since the early- to mid-2000s, powering key AdTech processes like ad targeting, attribution, frequency capping, and measurement.
But their availability on the web has been on the decline for several years because of ad blockers, the GDPR, and privacy settings in popular web browsers like Safari and Firefox.
And when Google Chrome stops supporting third-party cookies some time around 2022, AdTech companies will need to look for alternatives.
Third party cookies are losing their tread. To drive on the superhighway of the future, AdTech Companies will need to use a new set of wheels.

Check out our blog posts to learn more about the importance and role of third-party cookies in online advertising and what their demise means for the future of advertising in web browsers:
Blog posts about third-party cookies:
- What’s the Difference Between First-Party and Third-Party Cookies?
- How Different Browsers Handle First-Party and Third-Party Cookies
- Google Chrome To Kill Off Third-Party Cookies: What It Means for AdTech
- Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP): The Impact on Cookies, AdTech, and MarTech
Blog posts about privacy in AdTech: