Clearcode Cartoon #1: The Safari Club

The Safari Club cover image


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If the Safari browser were a nightclub, then this is what it would look like…

Clearcode Cartoon #1: The Safari Club

The Background

In September 2017, Webkit, the open-source web browser engine that powers Apple’s Safari browser, released a new privacy feature called Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP).

Intelligent Tracking Prevention blocks third-party cookies by default and limits the lifespan of first-party cookies.

For example, first-party cookies created via JavaScript’s document.cookie will be set to expire in 7 days. This impacts a majority of MarTech platforms like web analytics tools as this is how they create cookies.

Although AdTech platforms like demand-side platforms (DSPs) and supply-side platforms (SSPs), have traditionally used third-party cookies to run online advertising campaigns, some platforms can create first-party cookies.

However, if these domains creating the first-party cookies have been classified by ITP as being a tracking domain, the referring URL contains link decoration (e.g. a query string or fragment identifiers), and is created via JavaScript’s document.cookie.

Read our post to learn more about Intelligent Tracking Prevention (TP).

Reading recommendation

Read our online book

The AdTech Book by Clearcode

Learn about the platforms, processes, and players that make up the digital advertising industry.

Mike Sweeney

Head of Marketing

“The AdTech Book is the result
of our many years of experience in designing and developing advertising and marketing technologies for clients.”

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