The Colorful History of Advertising Technology in Just 63 Slides


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Do you know what the click through rate (CTR) of the first ever banner ad was?




Nope! The first ever banner ad had a click through rate of a staggering 44%!

That’s 42% more than today’s definition of a good CTR of just 2%.

Just imagine the ROI a 44% CTR could produce these days.

first advert in the internet
The first ever banner ad appeared in 1994 (publisher: – Wired Magazine. Advertiser: AT&T)

But what other interesting facts are scattered throughout the history of advertising technology (Ad Tech)?

Check out our SlideShare presentation, The History of Advertising Technology, to learn all about the rise of the fastest growing area of advertising:

Author: Maciej Zawadziński, CEO at Clearcode.

Looking for a technology partner for your next Ad Tech project?

Our team has delivered a number of successful ad tech platforms and apps to startups and companies of all shapes and sizes.

Find out more about how we build scalable ad tech solutions and contact us for a FREE project quote.

Reading recommendation

Read our online book

The AdTech Book by Clearcode

Learn about the platforms, processes, and players that make up the digital advertising industry.

Mike Sweeney

Head of Marketing

“The AdTech Book is the result
of our many years of experience in designing and developing advertising and marketing technologies for clients.”

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